January 6, 2024Entertainment experiences within VR have mainly consisted of straight forward First Person Shooters or Action Adventures. Phil Morris who lives in Jersey, has been producing a “free roam” VR Game that combines both for a little while now. Being futuristic based, it is, naturally, set in space and starts off from a moon base where you take on the role of a Space Marine. The storyline goes along the lines of Patrol Drones on the distant space station Eden Outpost have gone rogue and the station has been abandoned by its human crew. Eden Outpost needs to be recovered as soon as possible. As time is in short supply you ignore the normal space shuttle from the moon base and use the teleporter instead. Once the threat from Eden Outpost’s Patrol Droids has been neutralised you realise that there is more than just hacked drones to contend with. We won’t give the rest away but let’s just say that the game can have an explosive finale!